Wednesday, October 12, 2011

first ever stamping attempt

This was my first ever stamping attempt Its really off... sorry for the blurry/small pics and flooded cuticles... this was before clean up and I originally dint plan on posting... I hated this mani and eneded up changing it after about 3 days. the colors to me are too close together to really show up well. not to mention my application of the stamps were bad. OOOH I should probably also mention since I am out of work! I am using BUTT OLD nail polish... I have over 100 bottles a lot of it old I figure if it needs rescue with some thinner fine but imma try out all I have then probably buy cheap stuff.

Polish used- Victorias Secrets - crushed plum.-- this is so old this bottle is outdated by a few years I actually have a few diff colors in this bottle so im sure it will come p again as a post my mani's

stamping is just the black special polish the stamp is from some ebay site I actually forget the name but I bought it back b4 I was pregnant then out of being scared of harming my baby I rarely did manis during my pregnancy... I HAD to keep my pedis done cuz thats just nasty in the summer but I did everything as little as possible and with "friendly" polishes

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